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How Carrie Maultsby-Lute balances the guilt of motherhood during COVID with leaning into her career

By Olga Rosales Salinas

This past year, I found myself Googling words like “resiliency,” “undaunted,” “gallant,” and “resolute.” I wasn’t planning on using them in a short story or poetry. Instead, I read about these themes to prop myself up when my generalized anxiety disorder peaked in the middle of a global pandemic and social unrest. I didn’t always handle 2020 well. However, in the middle of last year I looked around and saw some of my dear friends thriving, and I wondered, “How?” What pushes some of us forward in the middle of chaos?

As a writer, I decided to do the thing that writers do. I decided to interview the women in my life who gallantly took on 2020, defining resiliency all while undaunted in the spirit of the resolute who’ve come before them.

Read the full article here.


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